Users who viewed your profile: Number of unique visitors to your profile.Search queries display whenever your Business Profile shows up for a particular query.The Searches metric is updated at the beginning of each month.

Searches: The queries people used to find your business.In the business performance report, you can monitor specific profile interactions such as: View Insights from your Business Profile on Maps If you haven’t turned on your profile for download, you may see “***” in the columns of your bulk Insights spreadsheet. After your report finishes downloading, you can close the tab. Your report starts downloading automatically in a new tab.Select the time-frame for your Insights data, then at the bottom right corner of the screen, click Download.On the screen that opens, next to the report you want, click Get report.Above the list of your locations, click Download Insights.Select the profiles you want to download a bulk Insights report for.On your computer, sign in to Business Profile Manager.Insights are only available for verified profiles. Then you can view how different chain locations are performing on Google Search and Maps. You can bulk download Insights for multiple profiles to a spreadsheet. To manage multiple profiles in bulk at once, you can use Business Profile Manager. If you want to add another profile, on Google Search, select the three-dot menu Add a new Business Profile. You can manage an individual profile directly on Search and Maps.